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Offer: RUF white ash / beech / birch briquettes

Date: 2018.10.03
Id: 25862

Main type Pellets - Briquets - Charcoal
Type Wood Briquets
Volume 48 - 3000 m3 per month
Type of species European Hardwood
Species White Ash, Beech, Birch
Description We are manufacturer of bio-energy products, like wood pellets, briquettes Pini-Kay and RUF, firewood and hardwood charcoal.

Pini Kay wood briquettes have a low moisture content, this creates little deposits in the chimney. They are ideal for use in closed stoves, fireplaces and fire pits. A Pini Kay wood briquette burns on average longer than regular firewood and also gives off more heat. A pack Pini Kay wood briquettes weighs 10 kilograms and contains 12 Pini Kay wood briquettes. Pini Kay wood briquettes should be stored dry.

Reasons to use Pini Kay wood briquettes:
- Easy to ignite and burn rapidly
- 100% clean wood with no additives!
- Clean, dry and ready for use
- Low moisture content of